Curious Thoughts of An Older Man

By Dr. Stanley Allen


Throughout this memoir, Dr. Allen discusses all aspects of the human condition from the point of view of a man in his late sixties to early seventies. All subjects of everyday life, including, but not limited to, relationships, sexuality, mental and physical health, politics and economics are discussed with the utmost candor. Why should anyone be interested in this?

Steve Bannon (President Trump’s number one fan) said one thing that appears to be true. He said that every 80 years, America does things to virtually tear itself apart. First it was the American Revolution. Eighty years later, it was the Civil War. Eighty years after that, it was World War II. Now, eighty years after World War II, it we have the Trump phenomena and the rise of tribalism. We don’t yet know how the catastrophe looming ahead will manifest itself, but all Americans sense that the survival of the republic (and maybe the entire community of nations) as we know it is at stake. Bannon points out that the eighty-year catastrophes always happen when the generation of men that suffered least and benefited most from the previous catastrophe comes into power. In our times, that would be the baby boomer generation – those born between 1940 and 1960. All the generations that follow the baby boomers and are alive today, for the remainder of their lives will bare most of the burden of the consequences of what the leadership does today.

Consequently, it behooves particularly younger generations (and probably women of every generation), to understand to the greatest extent possible how the older generation of men thinks. To do so may even give you insight on what you will need to do to save us all from the catastrophe ahead, assuming you have an interest in doing so. To that end, the memoirs of Dr. Stanley Allen, since his retirement from the dental profession in 2012, are being published. This is an on going process and new chapters will be added going forward. If the reader has an interest reading all the chapters from the beginning, they are available for ordering. If you are only interested it the current chapters, you may settle for that as well.

Three Women
Book Summary

The story chronicles the life of a Baby Boomer named Arthur Adams from his teenage years in the 1960’s up until the present time. It challenges the reader to determine how positive or negative the impact of three powerful women were, who fashioned his outlook on life and were the filters through which his self-image was viewed. It offers insight and a unique perspective of the role women had in creating the male dominated ethos of the culture that has culminated into the Me Too, Times Up and Black Lives Matter movements. Three Women is a roller coaster of emotions. At times comical, at times sad and at times edge-of-your-seat level exciting.

Meet Dr. Allen

Dr. Stanley Allen is a native of Brooklyn, New York and grew up in Jamaica Queens, NY and the South Side of Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Allen is a graduate of Howard University College of Dentistry in 1974 and a graduate of the Long Island Jewish, Hillside Medical Center, Queens Hospital Center Affiliation general practice residency program, where he achieved the rank of Chief Resident. After completing his residency program in 1976, he practiced as an associate in private practices in New York and New Jersey and in a UNC affiliated public health facility in North Carolina. He started his own practice in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1978. There, he went on to a successful private practice for 34 years until he sold his practice in 2012. He was one of the pioneers in implant dentistry and IV sedation in the Greensboro area.

In addition to providing exemplary services as a private practitioner, Dr. Allen was very active and experienced in organized dentistry. He served as a district president in the North Carolina Dental Society, president of the Old North State Dental Society and served a total of twelve years between 2001 and 2017 on the North Carolina State Board of Dentistry including two years as president of the board. He has studied under and been mentored by some of the greatest minds in dentistry, including Dr. Paul Homoly, Dr. Dick Barnes, Dr. Carl Misch and many others. He has accumulated hundreds of hours of study in dental practice management and personal development courses throughout his career in dentistry. He has served as an expert witness in numerous malpractices cases and has a wealth of knowledge regarding medic-legal issues.

Dr. Allen is currently semi-retired and works as an associate in his old practice and other practices. He resides in Greensboro with his wife, Yvonne. They have three grown children. In his free time, Dr. Allen enjoys aerobics, playing tennis, scuba diving and writing.

Recent Chapters

Chapter 161 -America

       From its inception, America, by virtue of its structure and practices, has always been a fascist aristocracy with leanings toward a feudalistic economy. [Republican friends, don’t stop reading – hear me out.] The democratic...

Chapter 159 – Who Broke Capitalism?

Beginning after this post, I will try to refrain from publishing political charged material. I will do this partly because I’m getting to the point in life where I understand that people cannot be persuaded by deliberately antagonizing them, but mainly because in the...

Contact Dr. Allen

Let me know what questions and/or feedback you have for me. I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can.

